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Hall of Fame

Top 5 players at the end of each month will be written into the hall of fame, forever!

May 14

1 players played during the month.

1. NormaS (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 12

1 players played during the month.

1. Norma (1 points, 1 wins)

Jan 12

1 players played during the month.

1. Shoat (2 points, 2 wins)

Nov 11

1 players played during the month.

1. bigwiglaf (1 points, 1 wins)

May 11

4 players played during the month.

1. robin (2 points, 1 wins)
2. Marsho (2 points, 0 wins)
3. Shoat (1 points, 1 wins)
4. Norma (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 11

3 players played during the month.

1. robin (3 points, 3 wins)
2. Marsho (1 points, 1 wins)
3. Norma (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 11

3 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (29 points, 9 wins)
2. munchkin (26 points, 8 wins)
3. Marsho (2 points, 0 wins)

Feb 11

5 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (77 points, 15 wins)
2. munchkin (75 points, 10 wins)
3. robin (60 points, 1 wins)
4. Renee98 (15 points, 2 wins)
5. Marsho (3 points, 0 wins)

Jan 11

5 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (102 points, 16 wins)
2. munchkin (100 points, 7 wins)
3. Renee98 (93 points, 7 wins)
4. robin (91 points, 1 wins)
5. Marsho (4 points, 0 wins)

Dec 10

6 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (121 points, 17 wins)
2. munchkin (121 points, 4 wins)
3. Renee98 (108 points, 5 wins)
4. robin (108 points, 0 wins)
5. Norma (91 points, 5 wins)
6. Marsho (4 points, 0 wins)

Nov 10

9 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (139 points, 14 wins)
2. Norma (134 points, 6 wins)
3. munchkin (132 points, 5 wins)
4. Renee98 (120 points, 3 wins)
5. robin (117 points, 1 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (53 points, 1 wins)
7. ICR (6 points, 0 wins)
8. 152chris (5 points, 0 wins)
9. Marsho (4 points, 0 wins)

Oct 10

13 players played during the month.

1. munchkin (152 points, 6 wins)
2. truly talented (149 points, 9 wins)
3. Renee98 (145 points, 9 wins)
4. Norma (145 points, 4 wins)
5. robin (139 points, 1 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (90 points, 2 wins)
7. Shoat (16 points, 0 wins)
8. ICR (14 points, 0 wins)
9. Pavel (5 points, 0 wins)
10. theog101 (5 points, 0 wins)

Sep 10

18 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (158 points, 9 wins)
2. munchkin (152 points, 7 wins)
3. Norma (138 points, 5 wins)
4. robin (132 points, 0 wins)
5. Renee98 (125 points, 5 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (107 points, 4 wins)
7. Pavel (15 points, 0 wins)
8. Tyron (14 points, 0 wins)
9. Shoat (13 points, 0 wins)
10. suedehead (12 points, 0 wins)

Aug 10

12 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (151 points, 17 wins)
2. munchkin (141 points, 4 wins)
3. Renee98 (131 points, 2 wins)
4. robin (129 points, 0 wins)
5. DavinaMcCall (106 points, 5 wins)
6. Norma (104 points, 3 wins)
7. Shoat (16 points, 0 wins)
8. Josh (5 points, 0 wins)
9. Boo (5 points, 0 wins)
10. bigzarafan (4 points, 0 wins)

Jul 10

11 players played during the month.

1. munchkin (150 points, 10 wins)
2. Norma (149 points, 6 wins)
3. truly talented (143 points, 10 wins)
4. Renee98 (137 points, 4 wins)
5. robin (137 points, 0 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (75 points, 1 wins)
7. Pavel (9 points, 0 wins)
8. ICR (8 points, 0 wins)
9. Cal123 (6 points, 0 wins)
10. thefletch (5 points, 0 wins)

Jun 10

10 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (147 points, 14 wins)
2. Norma (144 points, 5 wins)
3. Renee98 (139 points, 7 wins)
4. munchkin (134 points, 1 wins)
5. robin (127 points, 2 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (70 points, 1 wins)
7. Pavel (9 points, 0 wins)
8. la_la_land (8 points, 0 wins)
9. Josh (4 points, 0 wins)
10. Marsho (4 points, 0 wins)

May 10

10 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (172 points, 18 wins)
2. munchkin (147 points, 3 wins)
3. Renee98 (146 points, 5 wins)
4. Norma (141 points, 2 wins)
5. robin (139 points, 0 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (95 points, 3 wins)
7. Shoat (45 points, 0 wins)
8. la_la_land (12 points, 0 wins)
9. Marsho (4 points, 0 wins)
10. Boo (4 points, 0 wins)

Apr 10

13 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (154 points, 9 wins)
2. munchkin (146 points, 6 wins)
3. robin (138 points, 1 wins)
4. Norma (136 points, 6 wins)
5. Renee98 (136 points, 3 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (71 points, 2 wins)
7. Shoat (59 points, 3 wins)
8. Josh (19 points, 0 wins)
9. Pavel (12 points, 0 wins)
10. MConnor (5 points, 0 wins)

Mar 10

12 players played during the month.

1. Norma (152 points, 4 wins)
2. truly talented (151 points, 10 wins)
3. Renee98 (148 points, 6 wins)
4. robin (142 points, 0 wins)
5. munchkin (138 points, 3 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (101 points, 8 wins)
7. Pavel (26 points, 0 wins)
8. adi_gallia (10 points, 0 wins)
9. CremeEgg25 (6 points, 0 wins)
10. Harve (5 points, 0 wins)

Feb 10

13 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (136 points, 15 wins)
2. Norma (126 points, 3 wins)
3. Renee98 (126 points, 2 wins)
4. munchkin (120 points, 4 wins)
5. robin (116 points, 2 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (43 points, 2 wins)
7. theog101 (16 points, 0 wins)
8. Pavel (15 points, 0 wins)
9. MConnor (12 points, 0 wins)
10. Ashford (10 points, 0 wins)

Jan 10

11 players played during the month.

1. Norma (141 points, 10 wins)
2. munchkin (135 points, 5 wins)
3. truly talented (130 points, 10 wins)
4. Renee98 (124 points, 3 wins)
5. robin (121 points, 3 wins)
6. la_la_land (13 points, 0 wins)
7. theog101 (9 points, 0 wins)
8. Pavel (5 points, 0 wins)
9. Boo (5 points, 0 wins)
10. JonieWonie (4 points, 0 wins)

Dec 09

9 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (123 points, 17 wins)
2. munchkin (108 points, 3 wins)
3. Renee98 (97 points, 3 wins)
4. Norma (95 points, 4 wins)
5. robin (94 points, 4 wins)
6. Pavel (8 points, 0 wins)
7. Marsho (4 points, 0 wins)
8. Boo (4 points, 0 wins)
9. Shoat (2 points, 0 wins)

Nov 09

13 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (137 points, 14 wins)
2. munchkin (136 points, 11 wins)
3. robin (107 points, 0 wins)
4. Renee98 (103 points, 3 wins)
5. Norma (102 points, 2 wins)
6. Ashford (28 points, 0 wins)
7. DavinaMcCall (25 points, 0 wins)
8. Boo (10 points, 0 wins)
9. ICR (6 points, 0 wins)
10. theog101 (5 points, 0 wins)

Oct 09

12 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (162 points, 14 wins)
2. munchkin (154 points, 4 wins)
3. Renee98 (135 points, 1 wins)
4. ICR (129 points, 5 wins)
5. Norma (127 points, 1 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (83 points, 3 wins)
7. jackie (77 points, 3 wins)
8. Pavel (17 points, 0 wins)
9. Marsho (8 points, 0 wins)
10. chrisfishlock (8 points, 0 wins)

Sep 09

17 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (179 points, 10 wins)
2. jackie (176 points, 7 wins)
3. ICR (170 points, 3 wins)
4. munchkin (163 points, 3 wins)
5. Norma (162 points, 3 wins)
6. Renee98 (103 points, 0 wins)
7. perry87 (81 points, 1 wins)
8. DavinaMcCall (56 points, 3 wins)
9. suggy (40 points, 0 wins)
10. Shoat (31 points, 0 wins)

Aug 09

21 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (212 points, 15 wins)
2. munchkin (180 points, 6 wins)
3. Renee98 (177 points, 3 wins)
4. ICR (172 points, 1 wins)
5. Norma (164 points, 3 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (111 points, 1 wins)
7. jackie (90 points, 1 wins)
8. brian91 (70 points, 1 wins)
9. Shoat (65 points, 0 wins)
10. perry87 (57 points, 0 wins)

Jul 09

31 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (246 points, 14 wins)
2. jackie (228 points, 4 wins)
3. munchkin (224 points, 3 wins)
4. Renee98 (222 points, 1 wins)
5. ICR (208 points, 4 wins)
6. Shoat (200 points, 2 wins)
7. Norma (178 points, 2 wins)
8. Slick (92 points, 0 wins)
9. brian91 (82 points, 0 wins)
10. RyanJ7 (60 points, 0 wins)

Jun 09

29 players played during the month.

1. master (294 points, 16 wins)
2. truly talented (291 points, 10 wins)
3. jackie (254 points, 1 wins)
4. munchkin (247 points, 0 wins)
5. Renee98 (238 points, 2 wins)
6. Norma (229 points, 0 wins)
7. RyanJ7 (156 points, 0 wins)
8. Shoat (139 points, 0 wins)
9. MConnor (121 points, 0 wins)
10. Slick (118 points, 0 wins)

May 09

32 players played during the month.

1. master (324 points, 10 wins)
2. truly talented (305 points, 7 wins)
3. Norma (289 points, 4 wins)
4. munchkin (285 points, 3 wins)
5. DavinaMcCall (260 points, 2 wins)
6. jackie (251 points, 2 wins)
7. Renee98 (235 points, 2 wins)
8. RyanJ7 (155 points, 0 wins)
9. ICR (139 points, 1 wins)
10. Shoat (136 points, 0 wins)

Apr 09

47 players played during the month.

1. master (450 points, 12 wins)
2. truly talented (424 points, 7 wins)
3. Norma (361 points, 1 wins)
4. munchkin (336 points, 2 wins)
5. jackie (329 points, 2 wins)
6. DavinaMcCall (329 points, 2 wins)
7. perry87 (325 points, 3 wins)
8. Renee98 (309 points, 0 wins)
9. Shoat (229 points, 0 wins)
10. adi_gallia (186 points, 0 wins)

Mar 09

21 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (222 points, 17 wins)
2. master (201 points, 3 wins)
3. munchkin (185 points, 2 wins)
4. Norma (183 points, 6 wins)
5. jackie (174 points, 2 wins)
6. Renee98 (165 points, 0 wins)
7. suggy (121 points, 0 wins)
8. Shoat (51 points, 1 wins)
9. RyanJ7 (32 points, 0 wins)
10. DavinaMcCall (30 points, 0 wins)

Feb 09

10 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (168 points, 9 wins)
2. master (164 points, 8 wins)
3. munchkin (154 points, 4 wins)
4. jackie (152 points, 5 wins)
5. Norma (132 points, 2 wins)
6. suggy (123 points, 0 wins)
7. Pavel (61 points, 0 wins)
8. Renee98 (59 points, 0 wins)
9. robotking (5 points, 0 wins)
10. waheyx (5 points, 0 wins)

Jan 09

13 players played during the month.

1. master (209 points, 14 wins)
2. truly talented (199 points, 10 wins)
3. jackie (188 points, 4 wins)
4. munchkin (181 points, 1 wins)
5. Norma (180 points, 2 wins)
6. Shoat (110 points, 0 wins)
7. Pavel (110 points, 0 wins)
8. suggy (108 points, 0 wins)
9. Kate (104 points, 0 wins)
10. Adam (16 points, 0 wins)

Dec 08

18 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (250 points, 11 wins)
2. master (246 points, 11 wins)
3. Kate (220 points, 2 wins)
4. munchkin (203 points, 1 wins)
5. Norma (192 points, 3 wins)
6. jackie (168 points, 1 wins)
7. Adam (154 points, 0 wins)
8. suggy (107 points, 1 wins)
9. robotking (91 points, 0 wins)
10. Pavel (81 points, 0 wins)

Nov 08

23 players played during the month.

1. master (238 points, 12 wins)
2. truly talented (236 points, 9 wins)
3. Kate (226 points, 3 wins)
4. munchkin (197 points, 0 wins)
5. Norma (195 points, 1 wins)
6. Adam (147 points, 1 wins)
7. jackie (140 points, 4 wins)
8. suggy (122 points, 0 wins)
9. adi_gallia (121 points, 0 wins)
10. MConnor (87 points, 0 wins)

Oct 08

13 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (166 points, 9 wins)
2. master (152 points, 9 wins)
3. jackie (145 points, 6 wins)
4. munchkin (143 points, 2 wins)
5. suggy (114 points, 2 wins)
6. Kate (111 points, 2 wins)
7. Norma (71 points, 0 wins)
8. JBM (39 points, 1 wins)
9. adi_gallia (21 points, 0 wins)
10. anonymus (8 points, 0 wins)

Sep 08

13 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (140 points, 15 wins)
2. master (126 points, 10 wins)
3. munchkin (123 points, 0 wins)
4. jackie (104 points, 1 wins)
5. Norma (103 points, 0 wins)
6. suggy (62 points, 2 wins)
7. Kate (23 points, 1 wins)
8. Shoat (7 points, 1 wins)
9. ICR (7 points, 0 wins)
10. MConnor (5 points, 0 wins)

Aug 08

12 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (147 points, 13 wins)
2. master (147 points, 11 wins)
3. munchkin (134 points, 2 wins)
4. suggy (104 points, 0 wins)
5. jackie (71 points, 2 wins)
6. Norma (58 points, 3 wins)
7. Kate (40 points, 0 wins)
8. JBM (15 points, 0 wins)
9. Banyellowm+m's (7 points, 0 wins)
10. lyricaldreamer (5 points, 0 wins)

Jul 08

16 players played during the month.

1. master (179 points, 14 wins)
2. truly talented (171 points, 7 wins)
3. Kate (168 points, 4 wins)
4. munchkin (164 points, 1 wins)
5. jackie (152 points, 3 wins)
6. suggy (113 points, 1 wins)
7. Norma (71 points, 1 wins)
8. norma_snockers (24 points, 0 wins)
9. MConnor (23 points, 0 wins)
10. Ross (17 points, 0 wins)

Jun 08

15 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (208 points, 13 wins)
2. master (191 points, 7 wins)
3. jackie (186 points, 5 wins)
4. Banyellowm+m's (173 points, 0 wins)
5. munchkin (170 points, 1 wins)
6. Kate (159 points, 2 wins)
7. suggy (114 points, 0 wins)
8. MConnor (71 points, 1 wins)
9. Thyme60 (66 points, 1 wins)
10. tb27 (64 points, 0 wins)

May 08

21 players played during the month.

1. Dooly (262 points, 9 wins)
2. truly talented (260 points, 7 wins)
3. Banyellowm+m's (243 points, 0 wins)
4. ICR (238 points, 4 wins)
5. jackie (236 points, 3 wins)
6. munchkin (217 points, 0 wins)
7. Thyme60 (201 points, 1 wins)
8. MConnor (190 points, 5 wins)
9. suggy (159 points, 0 wins)
10. Sparkle (142 points, 0 wins)

Apr 08

18 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (251 points, 10 wins)
2. Dooly (231 points, 3 wins)
3. jackie (220 points, 3 wins)
4. munchkin (216 points, 1 wins)
5. ICR (180 points, 1 wins)
6. Thyme60 (178 points, 1 wins)
7. Sparkle (175 points, 0 wins)
8. suggy (170 points, 1 wins)
9. MConnor (147 points, 0 wins)
10. tb27 (137 points, 2 wins)

Mar 08

21 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (258 points, 7 wins)
2. munchkin (246 points, 3 wins)
3. Dooly (239 points, 6 wins)
4. ICR (237 points, 1 wins)
5. Banyellowm+m's (220 points, 2 wins)
6. MConnor (217 points, 4 wins)
7. jackie (216 points, 1 wins)
8. Thyme60 (215 points, 4 wins)
9. tb27 (167 points, 1 wins)
10. suggy (165 points, 0 wins)

Feb 08

24 players played during the month.

1. Dooly (226 points, 5 wins)
2. munchkin (214 points, 5 wins)
3. truly talented (212 points, 7 wins)
4. jackie (203 points, 2 wins)
5. MConnor (194 points, 3 wins)
6. suggy (180 points, 2 wins)
7. ICR (176 points, 3 wins)
8. Thyme60 (145 points, 0 wins)
9. tb27 (106 points, 0 wins)
10. Sparkle (66 points, 1 wins)

Jan 08

27 players played during the month.

1. truly talented (273 points, 5 wins)
2. ICR (272 points, 8 wins)
3. Dooly (267 points, 5 wins)
4. munchkin (267 points, 3 wins)
5. jackie (256 points, 6 wins)
6. MConnor (239 points, 1 wins)
7. suggy (217 points, 0 wins)
8. Thyme60 (207 points, 2 wins)
9. Sparkle (196 points, 0 wins)
10. Banyellowm+m's (164 points, 1 wins)

Dec 07

33 players played during the month.

1. Banyellowm+m's (315 points, 3 wins)
2. Dooly (308 points, 7 wins)
3. ICR (293 points, 9 wins)
4. jackie (292 points, 3 wins)
5. truly talented (277 points, 3 wins)
6. munchkin (249 points, 0 wins)
7. Thyme60 (222 points, 2 wins)
8. suggy (208 points, 1 wins)
9. lyricaldreamer (135 points, 0 wins)
10. haze (126 points, 0 wins)

Nov 07

31 players played during the month.

1. ICR (347 points, 9 wins)
2. Dooly (296 points, 6 wins)
3. truly talented (282 points, 0 wins)
4. jackie (277 points, 5 wins)
5. Banyellowm+m's (276 points, 2 wins)
6. munchkin (258 points, 1 wins)
7. suggy (243 points, 2 wins)
8. MConnor (220 points, 4 wins)
9. Thyme60 (200 points, 1 wins)
10. Sparkle (169 points, 0 wins)

Oct 07

34 players played during the month.

1. ICR (380 points, 10 wins)
2. Banyellowm+m's (369 points, 2 wins)