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Hall of Fame

Top 5 players at the end of each month will be written into the hall of fame, forever!

Sep 23

1 players played during the month.

1. Donald (2 points, 2 wins)

Aug 23

1 players played during the month.

1. colecarrolla (1 points, 1 wins)

Aug 20

1 players played during the month.

1. nreid (1 points, 1 wins)

May 19

1 players played during the month.

1. mabams (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 19

2 players played during the month.

1. Jaws (1 points, 1 wins)
2. Wannabefi (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 18

1 players played during the month.

1. rick (1 points, 1 wins)

Oct 18

1 players played during the month.

1. dlowery (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 18

1 players played during the month.

1. dlowery (1 points, 1 wins)

Aug 18

1 players played during the month.

1. sartrhohl (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 18

1 players played during the month.

1. pgracie (1 points, 1 wins)

Feb 18

1 players played during the month.

1. mccoll0 (1 points, 1 wins)

Jan 18

1 players played during the month.

1. prinefan (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 17

1 players played during the month.

1. Ekim (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 16

2 players played during the month.

1. unbe (2 points, 2 wins)
2. Boon (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 16

1 players played during the month.

1. cjac (1 points, 1 wins)

Aug 16

1 players played during the month.

1. cjac (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 16

1 players played during the month.

1. cjac (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 16

1 players played during the month.

1. Heyjude (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 16

1 players played during the month.

1. xzoom66 (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 15

1 players played during the month.

1. Meddersb (1 points, 1 wins)

May 15

1 players played during the month.

1. Ekimpski (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 15

1 players played during the month.

1. spillthepill (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 15

2 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (2 points, 1 wins)
2. kcr (2 points, 0 wins)

Feb 15

2 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (2 points, 1 wins)
2. kcr (2 points, 0 wins)

Jan 15

2 players played during the month.

1. kcr (2 points, 1 wins)
2. Davidbfl (2 points, 0 wins)

Dec 14

2 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (2 points, 1 wins)
2. kcr (2 points, 0 wins)

Nov 14

2 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (1 points, 1 wins)
2. kcr (1 points, 1 wins)

Oct 14

2 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (1 points, 1 wins)
2. kcr (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 14

1 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (1 points, 1 wins)

Aug 14

1 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 14

1 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 14

1 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (1 points, 1 wins)

May 14

1 players played during the month.

1. Davidbfl (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 13

1 players played during the month.

1. jet1871 (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 13

1 players played during the month.

1. Andrea (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 13

2 players played during the month.

1. mdougher (1 points, 1 wins)
2. suebat (1 points, 1 wins)

Aug 13

1 players played during the month.

1. rob6100 (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 13

1 players played during the month.

1. rob6100 (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 13

3 players played during the month.

1. awshucks (2 points, 2 wins)
2. rob6100 (1 points, 1 wins)
3. bg300 (1 points, 1 wins)

May 13

2 players played during the month.

1. Stormy (1 points, 1 wins)
2. rob6100 (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 13

1 players played during the month.

1. rob6100 (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 13

1 players played during the month.

1. rob6100 (1 points, 1 wins)

Feb 13

1 players played during the month.

1. rob6100 (1 points, 1 wins)

Jan 13

1 players played during the month.

1. rob6100 (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 12

1 players played during the month.

1. Lostdog2x2 (1 points, 1 wins)

May 12

1 players played during the month.

1. raltenbach (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 12

1 players played during the month.

1. Blue (1 points, 1 wins)

Feb 12

1 players played during the month.

1. pookieduke (1 points, 1 wins)

Jan 12

1 players played during the month.

1. Stormy (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 11

2 players played during the month.

1. Stormy (1 points, 1 wins)
2. jonna54 (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 11

2 players played during the month.

1. megohm (1 points, 1 wins)
2. Stormy (1 points, 1 wins)

Oct 11

1 players played during the month.

1. rodzilla (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 11

1 players played during the month.

1. chriswhite (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 11

1 players played during the month.

1. heatherc (1 points, 1 wins)

May 11

2 players played during the month.

1. TEXAS (1 points, 1 wins)
2. goon305 (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 11

1 players played during the month.

1. smittysangel (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 11

1 players played during the month.

1. nottoo (1 points, 1 wins)

Jan 11

1 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 10

2 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
2. sfl (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 10

2 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (2 points, 1 wins)
2. enameri (2 points, 0 wins)

Oct 10

5 players played during the month.

1. enameri (2 points, 1 wins)
2. Jackie (2 points, 0 wins)
3. mmmjones (1 points, 1 wins)
4. troyboy11188 (1 points, 1 wins)
5. Jenny (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 10

2 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (2 points, 1 wins)
2. enameri (2 points, 0 wins)

Aug 10

4 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
2. enameri (1 points, 1 wins)
3. mater (1 points, 1 wins)
4. gage (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 10

2 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
2. kimmy (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 10

3 players played during the month.

1. dixon (2 points, 1 wins)
2. johobo1 (2 points, 0 wins)
3. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)

May 10

3 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
2. Mungo (1 points, 1 wins)
3. cluner (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 10

3 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (2 points, 1 wins)
2. hutch (2 points, 0 wins)
3. Mungo (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 10

5 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
2. hutch (1 points, 1 wins)
3. Dan (1 points, 1 wins)
4. Sonia (1 points, 1 wins)
5. SAMiam (1 points, 1 wins)

Feb 10

3 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
2. jimbo (1 points, 1 wins)
3. 98andayear (1 points, 1 wins)

Jan 10

1 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 09

4 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
2. davy90 (1 points, 1 wins)
3. aerostar (1 points, 1 wins)
4. mimpson (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 09

4 players played during the month.

1. miker (3 points, 3 wins)
2. Omalley (3 points, 2 wins)
3. Jackie (2 points, 0 wins)
4. Dillweed (1 points, 1 wins)

Oct 09

3 players played during the month.

1. miker (3 points, 3 wins)
2. Jackie (2 points, 1 wins)
3. Omalley (2 points, 0 wins)

Sep 09

5 players played during the month.

1. pogley (7 points, 4 wins)
2. Omalley (4 points, 1 wins)
3. Jackie (4 points, 0 wins)
4. LisaLee (3 points, 0 wins)
5. miker (1 points, 1 wins)

Aug 09

6 players played during the month.

1. miker (5 points, 4 wins)
2. Jackie (2 points, 0 wins)
3. LisaLee (1 points, 1 wins)
4. mark (1 points, 1 wins)
5. Omalley (1 points, 1 wins)
6. runzwthszzrs (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 09

7 players played during the month.

1. br2brb (4 points, 1 wins)
2. Omalley (4 points, 0 wins)
3. miker (3 points, 3 wins)
4. LisaLee (3 points, 0 wins)
5. jog (3 points, 0 wins)
6. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
7. mark (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 09

9 players played during the month.

1. mark (7 points, 3 wins)
2. shrinda (4 points, 1 wins)
3. br2brb (3 points, 0 wins)
4. LisaLee (3 points, 0 wins)
5. Jackie (2 points, 1 wins)
6. jog (2 points, 0 wins)
7. Rod (1 points, 1 wins)
8. miker (1 points, 1 wins)
9. Omalley (1 points, 1 wins)

May 09

4 players played during the month.

1. Colman (2 points, 2 wins)
2. mark (2 points, 2 wins)
3. cinbocs100 (2 points, 1 wins)
4. Jackie (2 points, 0 wins)

Apr 09

6 players played during the month.

1. IRYN (5 points, 3 wins)
2. miker (2 points, 1 wins)
3. bob (1 points, 1 wins)
4. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
5. cinbocs100 (1 points, 1 wins)
6. bookgirlocmd (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 09

4 players played during the month.

1. bob (3 points, 2 wins)
2. Jackie (2 points, 0 wins)
3. LisaLee (1 points, 1 wins)
4. kkorsgren (1 points, 1 wins)

Feb 09

6 players played during the month.

1. 5thBeatle (2 points, 1 wins)
2. Jackie (2 points, 0 wins)
3. bob (1 points, 1 wins)
4. mapickett (1 points, 1 wins)
5. br2brb (1 points, 1 wins)
6. ole-josh (1 points, 1 wins)

Jan 09

6 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (9 points, 6 wins)
2. Jackie (3 points, 1 wins)
3. chad (3 points, 0 wins)
4. 5thBeatle (2 points, 0 wins)
5. bob (1 points, 1 wins)
6. efinn (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 08

4 players played during the month.

1. chad (3 points, 1 wins)
2. 5thBeatle (3 points, 0 wins)
3. Jackie (2 points, 0 wins)
4. shrinda (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 08

4 players played during the month.

1. Jackie (1 points, 1 wins)
2. 5thBeatle (1 points, 1 wins)
3. chad (1 points, 1 wins)
4. Jo (1 points, 1 wins)

Oct 08

2 players played during the month.

1. brent77 (1 points, 1 wins)
2. pougles (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 08

4 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (5 points, 4 wins)
2. stuff (2 points, 2 wins)
3. brent77 (2 points, 0 wins)
4. bob (1 points, 1 wins)

Aug 08

2 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (30 points, 28 wins)
2. randyandjeannie (4 points, 0 wins)

Jul 08

5 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (35 points, 27 wins)
2. bob (9 points, 0 wins)
3. randyandjeannie (4 points, 0 wins)
4. hansen6pack (2 points, 0 wins)
5. grannidi (2 points, 0 wins)

Jun 08

4 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (28 points, 24 wins)
2. tele1 (5 points, 1 wins)
3. bob (2 points, 0 wins)
4. Mack (2 points, 0 wins)

May 08

2 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (31 points, 26 wins)
2. tele1 (10 points, 0 wins)

Apr 08

4 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (32 points, 26 wins)
2. tele1 (9 points, 1 wins)
3. Schmitty333 (3 points, 1 wins)
4. darlin (3 points, 0 wins)

Mar 08

3 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (30 points, 28 wins)
2. Schmitty333 (3 points, 1 wins)
3. bob (2 points, 0 wins)

Feb 08

6 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (35 points, 26 wins)
2. kellymccluskey (12 points, 1 wins)
3. bob (4 points, 0 wins)
4. shirmasis (3 points, 0 wins)
5. jblumes (2 points, 0 wins)
6. hansen6pack (2 points, 0 wins)

Jan 08

10 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (58 points, 24 wins)
2. Rod (34 points, 6 wins)
3. bob (15 points, 0 wins)
4. kellymccluskey (10 points, 0 wins)
5. mikezz71 (4 points, 0 wins)
6. waydog (3 points, 0 wins)
7. hanuman16 (2 points, 0 wins)
8. khightow (2 points, 0 wins)
9. divebuss (2 points, 0 wins)
10. shirmasis (2 points, 0 wins)

Dec 07

4 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (51 points, 17 wins)
2. Rod (38 points, 12 wins)
3. bob (16 points, 0 wins)
4. razorface8 (2 points, 0 wins)

Nov 07

2 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (44 points, 14 wins)
2. Rod (35 points, 14 wins)

Oct 07

3 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (32 points, 13 wins)
2. Rod (26 points, 12 wins)
3. jimmypop (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 07

5 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (41 points, 14 wins)
2. Rod (29 points, 8 wins)
3. bobbilouie (8 points, 2 wins)
4. Susan (2 points, 0 wins)
5. bt (2 points, 0 wins)

Aug 07

6 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (52 points, 17 wins)
2. Rod (39 points, 9 wins)
3. Judy (15 points, 0 wins)
4. bobbilouie (5 points, 1 wins)
5. Susan (3 points, 0 wins)
6. bluegirl (2 points, 0 wins)

Jul 07

4 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (55 points, 18 wins)
2. Rod (37 points, 8 wins)
3. bobbilouie (16 points, 5 wins)
4. happy_sailor (2 points, 0 wins)

Jun 07

6 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (56 points, 17 wins)
2. bobbilouie (35 points, 12 wins)
3. Rod (28 points, 1 wins)
4. john_t (4 points, 0 wins)
5. randyandjeannie (2 points, 0 wins)
6. lolasmom (2 points, 0 wins)

May 07

6 players played during the month.

1. shrinda (32 points, 8 wins)
2. bobbilouie (26 points, 9 wins)
3. Rod (9 points, 2 wins)
4. john_t (3 points, 0 wins)
5. Wile_E_Coyote (3 points, 0 wins)
6. daleeandjr03 (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 07

5 players played during the month.

1. randyandjeannie (6 points, 4 wins)
2. Coach (2 points, 1 wins)
3. PMSred (1 points, 1 wins)
4. mscindi2u (1 points, 1 wins)
5. raewise (1 points, 1 wins)