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Hall of Fame

Top 5 players at the end of each month will be written into the hall of fame, forever!

Jun 11

1 players played during the month.

1. ferfer72 (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 10

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 10

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

May 10

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 10

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Mar 10

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Feb 10

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (2 points, 2 wins)

Jan 10

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 09

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (2 points, 2 wins)

Nov 09

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Oct 09

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 09

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (3 points, 3 wins)

Aug 09

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 09

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 09

3 players played during the month.

1. davesgirl62 (1 points, 1 wins)
2. cabalerro (1 points, 1 wins)
3. gotro (1 points, 1 wins)

May 09

3 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (3 points, 3 wins)
2. Amy (1 points, 1 wins)
3. Amy86 (1 points, 1 wins)

Apr 09

1 players played during the month.

1. cabalerro (9 points, 9 wins)

Mar 09

1 players played during the month.

1. derrickstefanie (1 points, 1 wins)

Dec 08

2 players played during the month.

1. nikki13 (1 points, 1 wins)
2. sherree_tx (1 points, 1 wins)

Oct 08

2 players played during the month.

1. k2mbrown (1 points, 1 wins)
2. lynnchris5 (1 points, 1 wins)

Aug 08

1 players played during the month.

1. sunshine71 (1 points, 1 wins)

Jul 08

1 players played during the month.

1. ryanh895 (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 08

2 players played during the month.

1. melena (1 points, 1 wins)
2. ferfer72 (1 points, 1 wins)

May 08

2 players played during the month.

1. shellyjac (5 points, 4 wins)
2. ferfer72 (4 points, 2 wins)

Mar 08

5 players played during the month.

1. terry123 (2 points, 1 wins)
2. KBmissinLV (2 points, 0 wins)
3. Ruthie (1 points, 1 wins)
4. DAN (1 points, 1 wins)
5. shellyjac (1 points, 1 wins)

Feb 08

2 players played during the month.

1. shellyjac (2 points, 2 wins)
2. spartner (1 points, 1 wins)

Jan 08

6 players played during the month.

1. majormetnyi (40 points, 27 wins)
2. shellyjac (17 points, 0 wins)
3. sharbeahr (7 points, 2 wins)
4. carman_31 (2 points, 0 wins)
5. rrsalazar (2 points, 0 wins)
6. MATTANDANNE (2 points, 0 wins)

Dec 07

10 players played during the month.

1. majormetnyi (73 points, 31 wins)
2. Shareigh (40 points, 0 wins)
3. shellyjac (38 points, 0 wins)
4. ferfer72 (16 points, 0 wins)
5. jenakiko (4 points, 0 wins)
6. sting (3 points, 0 wins)
7. skgonzales (3 points, 0 wins)
8. cjsax2 (3 points, 0 wins)
9. twocancooler (3 points, 0 wins)
10. reneway (3 points, 0 wins)

Nov 07

9 players played during the month.

1. majormetnyi (95 points, 30 wins)
2. shellyjac (63 points, 0 wins)
3. Shareigh (45 points, 0 wins)
4. ferfer72 (31 points, 0 wins)
5. reneway (29 points, 0 wins)
6. kev5 (28 points, 0 wins)
7. ozzob (12 points, 0 wins)
8. birrd02 (3 points, 0 wins)
9. anabelle (3 points, 0 wins)

Oct 07

7 players played during the month.

1. majormetnyi (78 points, 27 wins)
2. shellyjac (49 points, 2 wins)
3. reneway (48 points, 1 wins)
4. ferfer72 (26 points, 1 wins)
5. Shareigh (23 points, 0 wins)
6. purrpurr (6 points, 0 wins)
7. kiwichi1221 (2 points, 0 wins)

Sep 07

6 players played during the month.

1. majormetnyi (54 points, 25 wins)
2. Shareigh (42 points, 2 wins)
3. shellyjac (16 points, 0 wins)
4. ferfer72 (4 points, 0 wins)
5. lin45 (3 points, 1 wins)
6. thothbang (3 points, 0 wins)

Aug 07

3 players played during the month.

1. Shareigh (42 points, 11 wins)
2. majormetnyi (38 points, 19 wins)
3. RC1965 (10 points, 0 wins)

Jul 07

3 players played during the month.

1. Shareigh (31 points, 17 wins)
2. poolosopher (21 points, 11 wins)
3. shellyjac (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 07

4 players played during the month.

1. poolosopher (26 points, 12 wins)
2. shellyjac (14 points, 1 wins)
3. Shareigh (13 points, 4 wins)
4. gb (2 points, 1 wins)

May 07

4 players played during the month.

1. shellyjac (25 points, 9 wins)
2. poolosopher (17 points, 10 wins)
3. davesgirl62 (2 points, 0 wins)
4. mel (2 points, 0 wins)