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Hall of Fame

Top 5 players at the end of each month will be written into the hall of fame, forever!

Jan 12

21 players played during the month.

1. Doc (251 points, 4 wins)
2. Quiz_Beagle (236 points, 5 wins)
3. johnsnow (224 points, 8 wins)
4. strum (220 points, 3 wins)
5. MarchHare007 (219 points, 6 wins)
6. SueC (203 points, 4 wins)
7. pc377 (195 points, 0 wins)
8. trooper2196 (141 points, 0 wins)
9. jacky (126 points, 0 wins)
10. blackprinceuk (124 points, 0 wins)

Dec 11

17 players played during the month.

1. miffy42 (293 points, 19 wins)
2. twosleepy (230 points, 2 wins)
3. strum (227 points, 1 wins)
4. Quiz_Beagle (206 points, 0 wins)
5. trooper2196 (202 points, 1 wins)
6. pc377 (192 points, 0 wins)
7. johnsnow (182 points, 2 wins)
8. MarchHare007 (180 points, 0 wins)
9. polaris (162 points, 2 wins)
10. onebraincelluk (159 points, 2 wins)

Nov 11

24 players played during the month.

1. Doc (313 points, 0 wins)
2. juggernaut314 (308 points, 8 wins)
3. timmacg (288 points, 1 wins)
4. twosleepy (282 points, 1 wins)
5. Quiz_Beagle (275 points, 3 wins)
6. briarwoodrose (274 points, 3 wins)
7. Schoonie101 (266 points, 8 wins)
8. strum (260 points, 2 wins)
9. MarchHare007 (243 points, 1 wins)
10. trooper2196 (202 points, 0 wins)

Oct 11

20 players played during the month.

1. Doc (305 points, 4 wins)
2. Paper_aeroplane (286 points, 7 wins)
3. johnsnow (232 points, 5 wins)
4. Quiz_Beagle (224 points, 2 wins)
5. LauraMcC (215 points, 1 wins)
6. trooper2196 (210 points, 1 wins)
7. SueC (199 points, 0 wins)
8. pc377 (190 points, 0 wins)
9. Schoonie101 (185 points, 8 wins)
10. onebraincelluk (177 points, 0 wins)

Sep 11

20 players played during the month.

1. jules44 (395 points, 27 wins)
2. Doc (296 points, 1 wins)
3. twosleepy (271 points, 0 wins)
4. Quiz_Beagle (269 points, 0 wins)
5. Deborah (265 points, 1 wins)
6. pc377 (207 points, 0 wins)
7. SueC (188 points, 0 wins)
8. onebraincelluk (185 points, 1 wins)
9. polaris (170 points, 0 wins)
10. blackprinceuk (148 points, 0 wins)

Aug 11

20 players played during the month.

1. Clamking (405 points, 20 wins)
2. Doc (304 points, 0 wins)
3. Quiz_Beagle (285 points, 0 wins)
4. twosleepy (276 points, 1 wins)
5. MarchHare007 (274 points, 2 wins)
6. Deborah (266 points, 0 wins)
7. pc377 (195 points, 0 wins)
8. jacky (178 points, 2 wins)
9. onebraincelluk (171 points, 1 wins)
10. SueC (162 points, 0 wins)

Jul 11

23 players played during the month.

1. Qmel (389 points, 11 wins)
2. Doc (334 points, 2 wins)
3. twosleepy (319 points, 3 wins)
4. Deborah (313 points, 3 wins)
5. MarchHare007 (286 points, 1 wins)
6. martin_cube (261 points, 3 wins)
7. pc377 (260 points, 1 wins)
8. Yankeegirl742 (249 points, 5 wins)
9. Quiz_Beagle (246 points, 1 wins)
10. SueC (194 points, 0 wins)

Jun 11

21 players played during the month.

1. Doc (334 points, 0 wins)
2. Schoonie101 (317 points, 13 wins)
3. twosleepy (305 points, 0 wins)
4. Quiz_Beagle (282 points, 2 wins)
5. MarchHare007 (277 points, 2 wins)
6. johnsnow (276 points, 7 wins)
7. pc377 (217 points, 0 wins)
8. trooper2196 (202 points, 1 wins)
9. flicker123 (187 points, 0 wins)
10. Paper_aeroplane (181 points, 2 wins)

May 11

23 players played during the month.

1. Deborah (401 points, 3 wins)
2. twosleepy (332 points, 1 wins)
3. Yankeegirl742 (273 points, 9 wins)
4. Quiz_Beagle (262 points, 1 wins)
5. johnsnow (231 points, 2 wins)
6. trooper2196 (228 points, 0 wins)
7. flicker123 (227 points, 2 wins)
8. Paper_aeroplane (216 points, 5 wins)
9. LauraMcC (208 points, 2 wins)
10. pc377 (196 points, 0 wins)

Apr 11

24 players played during the month.

1. Qmel (406 points, 8 wins)
2. twosleepy (374 points, 4 wins)
3. Deborah (358 points, 8 wins)
4. Johnny (355 points, 0 wins)
5. Doc (297 points, 0 wins)
6. Marsalinator (284 points, 3 wins)
7. MarchHare007 (264 points, 3 wins)
8. Helmar (258 points, 0 wins)
9. LauraMcC (255 points, 3 wins)
10. Quiz_Beagle (234 points, 0 wins)

Mar 11

23 players played during the month.

1. Deborah (402 points, 4 wins)
2. Johnny (389 points, 3 wins)
3. twosleepy (364 points, 3 wins)
4. Qmel (345 points, 2 wins)
5. Doc (319 points, 1 wins)
6. Helmar (292 points, 0 wins)
7. yand (262 points, 3 wins)
8. Paper_aeroplane (252 points, 8 wins)
9. flicker123 (252 points, 0 wins)
10. LauraMcC (241 points, 2 wins)

Feb 11

22 players played during the month.

1. WorldB (417 points, 15 wins)
2. Johnny (331 points, 2 wins)
3. twosleepy (306 points, 3 wins)
4. Quiz_Beagle (284 points, 1 wins)
5. Doc (276 points, 1 wins)
6. Schoonie101 (241 points, 4 wins)
7. flicker123 (234 points, 0 wins)
8. Helmar (190 points, 0 wins)
9. yand (190 points, 0 wins)
10. pc377 (181 points, 0 wins)

Jan 11

24 players played during the month.

1. Johnny (406 points, 1 wins)
2. Qmel (379 points, 3 wins)
3. martin_cube (355 points, 5 wins)
4. Quiz_Beagle (347 points, 6 wins)
5. Helmar (333 points, 3 wins)
6. twosleepy (274 points, 2 wins)
7. MarchHare007 (257 points, 0 wins)
8. trooper2196 (251 points, 0 wins)
9. yand (237 points, 1 wins)
10. flicker123 (234 points, 1 wins)

Dec 10

25 players played during the month.

1. ryaman (422 points, 6 wins)
2. martin_cube (372 points, 3 wins)
3. Doc (352 points, 5 wins)
4. Deborah (344 points, 8 wins)
5. Marsalinator (342 points, 0 wins)
6. Johnny (337 points, 0 wins)
7. Quiz_Beagle (305 points, 3 wins)
8. twosleepy (296 points, 0 wins)
9. LauraMcC (234 points, 2 wins)
10. trooper2196 (204 points, 0 wins)

Nov 10

26 players played during the month.

1. Deborah (388 points, 4 wins)
2. timmacg (386 points, 6 wins)
3. Marsalinator (384 points, 8 wins)
4. Johnny (344 points, 0 wins)
5. twosleepy (341 points, 3 wins)
6. Qmel (325 points, 2 wins)
7. Doc (298 points, 1 wins)
8. LauraMcC (259 points, 2 wins)
9. Quiz_Beagle (237 points, 2 wins)
10. Helmar (236 points, 0 wins)

Oct 10

29 players played during the month.

1. Deborah (417 points, 8 wins)
2. dippo (407 points, 5 wins)
3. ryaman (405 points, 4 wins)
4. lg549 (376 points, 7 wins)
5. Johnny (361 points, 0 wins)
6. twosleepy (323 points, 1 wins)
7. Paper_aeroplane (271 points, 3 wins)
8. cubswin2323 (257 points, 3 wins)
9. LauraMcC (247 points, 0 wins)
10. shadowzep (202 points, 0 wins)

Sep 10

24 players played during the month.

1. Qmel (393 points, 2 wins)
2. Johnny (367 points, 0 wins)
3. cubswin2323 (357 points, 4 wins)
4. ryaman (338 points, 4 wins)
5. Doc (323 points, 2 wins)
6. twosleepy (308 points, 1 wins)
7. Marsalinator (297 points, 2 wins)
8. Quiz_Beagle (276 points, 1 wins)
9. LauraMcC (254 points, 1 wins)
10. shadowzep (232 points, 3 wins)

Aug 10

29 players played during the month.

1. Clamking (495 points, 8 wins)
2. Johnny (372 points, 0 wins)
3. Anton (359 points, 9 wins)
4. Doc (341 points, 1 wins)
5. Qmel (336 points, 0 wins)
6. Schoonie101 (322 points, 7 wins)
7. LauraMcC (278 points, 1 wins)
8. Quiz_Beagle (242 points, 1 wins)
9. shadowzep (238 points, 1 wins)
10. cubswin2323 (232 points, 1 wins)

Jul 10

24 players played during the month.

1. Rage (382 points, 10 wins)
2. Johnny (330 points, 3 wins)
3. Doc (299 points, 1 wins)
4. Schoonie101 (278 points, 7 wins)
5. Anton (266 points, 4 wins)
6. Quiz_Beagle (257 points, 0 wins)
7. Paper_aeroplane (238 points, 1 wins)
8. twosleepy (235 points, 0 wins)
9. MarchHare007 (220 points, 0 wins)
10. Helmar (212 points, 0 wins)

Jun 10

24 players played during the month.

1. Johnny (337 points, 2 wins)
2. steve-e (336 points, 8 wins)
3. Quiz_Beagle (322 points, 4 wins)
4. Doc (309 points, 0 wins)
5. twosleepy (297 points, 1 wins)
6. Helmar (244 points, 0 wins)
7. MarchHare007 (224 points, 2 wins)
8. poolosopher (210 points, 3 wins)
9. Anton (201 points, 5 wins)
10. trooper2196 (171 points, 0 wins)

May 10

21 players played during the month.

1. lg549 (327 points, 7 wins)
2. Anton (321 points, 15 wins)
3. martin_cube (318 points, 5 wins)
4. Quiz_Beagle (294 points, 1 wins)
5. Doc (292 points, 1 wins)
6. cubswin2323 (269 points, 1 wins)
7. Helmar (229 points, 0 wins)
8. yand (199 points, 0 wins)
9. pc377 (165 points, 0 wins)
10. polaris (161 points, 0 wins)

Apr 10

23 players played during the month.

1. dippo (342 points, 8 wins)
2. Quiz_Beagle (290 points, 0 wins)
3. Doc (282 points, 1 wins)
4. twosleepy (281 points, 0 wins)
5. LauraMcC (249 points, 6 wins)
6. bernie73 (197 points, 10 wins)
7. Helmar (178 points, 0 wins)
8. yand (177 points, 1 wins)
9. jacky (173 points, 0 wins)
10. pc377 (159 points, 0 wins)

Mar 10

27 players played during the month.

1. Deborah (399 points, 9 wins)
2. briarwoodrose (352 points, 4 wins)
3. scubascott (345 points, 2 wins)
4. bernie73 (323 points, 6 wins)
5. LauraMcC (294 points, 1 wins)
6. Doc (283 points, 0 wins)
7. moomin (277 points, 4 wins)
8. Helmar (212 points, 0 wins)
9. yand (205 points, 0 wins)
10. cubswin2323 (195 points, 4 wins)

Feb 10

27 players played during the month.

1. martin_cube (379 points, 6 wins)
2. Paper_aeroplane (335 points, 8 wins)
3. dippo (316 points, 2 wins)
4. Qmel (300 points, 2 wins)
5. Doc (297 points, 1 wins)
6. scubascott (287 points, 0 wins)
7. MarchHare007 (263 points, 0 wins)
8. LauraMcC (244 points, 0 wins)
9. twosleepy (240 points, 0 wins)
10. Helmar (210 points, 1 wins)

Jan 10

26 players played during the month.

1. Quiz_Beagle (457 points, 8 wins)
2. Qmel (452 points, 3 wins)
3. martin_cube (431 points, 4 wins)
4. scubascott (375 points, 1 wins)
5. briarwoodrose (350 points, 1 wins)
6. Doc (303 points, 0 wins)
7. twosleepy (288 points, 1 wins)
8. moomin (277 points, 6 wins)
9. MarchHare007 (257 points, 1 wins)
10. Helmar (244 points, 0 wins)

Dec 09

27 players played during the month.

1. Qmel (394 points, 5 wins)
2. martin_cube (371 points, 8 wins)
3. dippo (366 points, 4 wins)
4. Doc (331 points, 0 wins)
5. Quiz_Beagle (329 points, 5 wins)
6. twosleepy (292 points, 0 wins)
7. klahrace (248 points, 1 wins)
8. Helmar (216 points, 0 wins)
9. trooper2196 (185 points, 0 wins)
10. MarchHare007 (170 points, 1 wins)

Nov 09

28 players played during the month.

1. morelli (349 points, 8 wins)
2. Quiz_Beagle (347 points, 1 wins)
3. martin_cube (334 points, 7 wins)
4. timmacg (333 points, 6 wins)
5. briarwoodrose (321 points, 1 wins)
6. MarchHare007 (279 points, 1 wins)
7. Doc (278 points, 0 wins)
8. klahrace (221 points, 0 wins)
9. Helmar (211 points, 0 wins)
10. LauraMcC (208 points, 0 wins)

Oct 09

27 players played during the month.

1. StuHern (387 points, 8 wins)
2. Paper_aeroplane (309 points, 5 wins)
3. martin_cube (309 points, 3 wins)
4. Doc (308 points, 0 wins)
5. cubswin2323 (293 points, 3 wins)
6. MarchHare007 (291 points, 2 wins)
7. skipperdeedoo (251 points, 2 wins)
8. Helmar (249 points, 0 wins)
9. klahrace (240 points, 0 wins)
10. steve-e (231 points, 4 wins)

Sep 09

26 players played during the month.

1. jules44 (487 points, 25 wins)
2. Doc (320 points, 0 wins)
3. briarwoodrose (311 points, 0 wins)
4. twosleepy (274 points, 0 wins)
5. MarchHare007 (272 points, 1 wins)
6. skipperdeedoo (258 points, 0 wins)
7. klahrace (232 points, 0 wins)
8. Clamking (219 points, 1 wins)
9. LauraMcC (214 points, 0 wins)
10. Helmar (208 points, 1 wins)

Aug 09

25 players played during the month.

1. Doc (375 points, 4 wins)
2. briarwoodrose (333 points, 1 wins)
3. Clamking (299 points, 9 wins)
4. flicker123 (296 points, 2 wins)
5. steve-e (295 points, 3 wins)
6. MarchHare007 (284 points, 1 wins)
7. shadowzep (276 points, 2 wins)
8. twosleepy (242 points, 0 wins)
9. Alien8 (226 points, 1 wins)
10. cubswin2323 (222 points, 2 wins)

Jul 09

28 players played during the month.

1. j2cp2 (402 points, 6 wins)
2. StuHern (397 points, 9 wins)
3. Qmel (374 points, 4 wins)
4. dippo (340 points, 1 wins)
5. steve-e (299 points, 3 wins)
6. flicker123 (288 points, 0 wins)
7. twosleepy (226 points, 0 wins)
8. onebraincelluk (209 points, 0 wins)
9. skipperdeedoo (208 points, 1 wins)
10. shadowzep (190 points, 5 wins)

Jun 09

30 players played during the month.

1. poolosopher (420 points, 2 wins)
2. Doc (344 points, 0 wins)
3. martin_cube (331 points, 6 wins)
4. twosleepy (311 points, 1 wins)
5. Surrealist (298 points, 9 wins)
6. shadowzep (297 points, 1 wins)
7. cat_brat63 (271 points, 1 wins)
8. steve-e (261 points, 1 wins)
9. cubswin2323 (243 points, 2 wins)
10. flicker123 (235 points, 1 wins)

May 09

29 players played during the month.

1. dippo (402 points, 3 wins)
2. j2cp2 (394 points, 3 wins)
3. Doc (339 points, 0 wins)
4. scubascott (337 points, 2 wins)
5. twosleepy (293 points, 1 wins)
6. poolosopher (289 points, 5 wins)
7. flicker123 (265 points, 0 wins)
8. LauraMcC (257 points, 2 wins)
9. cat_brat63 (247 points, 1 wins)
10. whee (214 points, 8 wins)

Apr 09

34 players played during the month.

1. miffy42 (538 points, 22 wins)
2. StuHern (466 points, 3 wins)
3. bernie73 (415 points, 3 wins)
4. martin_cube (373 points, 0 wins)
5. Qmel (352 points, 1 wins)
6. flicker123 (326 points, 0 wins)
7. cat_brat63 (283 points, 0 wins)
8. twosleepy (271 points, 0 wins)
9. onebraincelluk (230 points, 0 wins)
10. Doc (223 points, 0 wins)

Mar 09

33 players played during the month.

1. poolosopher (483 points, 6 wins)
2. Qmel (446 points, 6 wins)
3. lg549 (434 points, 4 wins)
4. briarwoodrose (414 points, 2 wins)
5. bernie73 (365 points, 1 wins)
6. dippo (346 points, 0 wins)
7. cat_brat63 (303 points, 0 wins)
8. Anton (296 points, 3 wins)
9. twosleepy (292 points, 1 wins)
10. castortroy (279 points, 1 wins)

Feb 09

39 players played during the month.

1. Quiz_Beagle (477 points, 3 wins)
2. poolosopher (434 points, 5 wins)
3. Qmel (432 points, 4 wins)
4. briarwoodrose (432 points, 3 wins)
5. martin_cube (408 points, 1 wins)
6. dippo (392 points, 2 wins)
7. bernie73 (391 points, 2 wins)
8. steve-e (370 points, 2 wins)
9. lg549 (332 points, 0 wins)
10. cat_brat63 (302 points, 0 wins)

Jan 09

34 players played during the month.

1. scubascott (508 points, 1 wins)
2. Paper_aeroplane (459 points, 11 wins)
3. poolosopher (427 points, 3 wins)
4. martin_cube (421 points, 1 wins)
5. briarwoodrose (409 points, 3 wins)
6. castortroy (388 points, 1 wins)
7. Quiz_Beagle (385 points, 1 wins)
8. bernie73 (380 points, 3 wins)
9. OldSpotPig (361 points, 3 wins)
10. steve-e (334 points, 0 wins)

Dec 08

30 players played during the month.

1. Deborah (482 points, 8 wins)
2. StuHern (469 points, 10 wins)
3. markswood (431 points, 3 wins)
4. lg549 (376 points, 1 wins)
5. Qmel (364 points, 0 wins)
6. briarwoodrose (354 points, 0 wins)
7. martin_cube (325 points, 2 wins)
8. poolosopher (320 points, 1 wins)
9. dippo (298 points, 0 wins)
10. castortroy (283 points, 0 wins)

Nov 08

34 players played during the month.

1. julieanne123 (469 points, 3 wins)
2. scubascott (450 points, 9 wins)
3. markswood (438 points, 3 wins)
4. Qmel (422 points, 0 wins)
5. ryaman (412 points, 5 wins)
6. lg549 (371 points, 0 wins)
7. briarwoodrose (309 points, 0 wins)
8. sparklingwine (279 points, 3 wins)
9. martin_cube (278 points, 1 wins)
10. castortroy (272 points, 0 wins)

Oct 08

31 players played during the month.

1. ryaman (484 points, 8 wins)
2. julieanne123 (420 points, 4 wins)
3. poolosopher (411 points, 0 wins)
4. lg549 (389 points, 1 wins)
5. scubascott (382 points, 1 wins)
6. whee (375 points, 13 wins)
7. Paper_aeroplane (372 points, 2 wins)
8. j2cp2 (354 points, 0 wins)
9. dippo (343 points, 0 wins)
10. twosleepy (312 points, 0 wins)