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Most Recent Winners of Entirely Fictitious Awards!

Jun 26 09: Rocko*NBK* won... A Money Fountain. Why not.
May 01 09: RIGGS won... Hooray, a Money Tree!
Dec 02 08: RIGGS won... A Cheesy Snow Globe! A must have!
Aug 25 08: RIGGS won... A Hot Dog
Aug 17 08: RIGGS won... White Dog
Nov 20 07: ZeroNBK won... A Red Truck
May 25 07: VenusTAG won... Awww it's a puppy!
Apr 11 07: Zy~NBK~ won... A Playful Retriever
Mar 15 07: HazardTW won... A Money Fountain. Why not.
Dec 20 06: smalldog won... A Hot Dog
Dec 20 06: smalldog won... Shaggy Dog
Dec 08 06: Zy~NBK~ won... White Dog
Nov 18 06: MickyD won... A new toaster! Holy Mackerel!