Private Tournament Set Up

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Create Your Own Web Trivia Tournament

Tournament Master

Your real name:

Your email address:
( Must be correct -- we send set up instructions here!)

Enter a login name:
( This is the name that you will use to log in and play your own games )

Enter a password:
Verify password:

Your Tournament


A private tournament is just for you, and will not be listed on FunTrivia.
A public tournament will be listed in our directory, and anyone can come join!

My tournament is:
Note: this can be changed whenever you want.

Name of your Tournament:
( ex: John's Trivia Challenge, Canada Daily Trivia, etc )

Name for your group:
( ex: John's Pals, Canadians Ahoy! )

Description of your group:

By signing up you agree to the terms and conditions of the website. You also realize that features and functionality may change at any time, and that the content of the trivia that we serve remains the sole property of