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trivia game Who's the Smartest?
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Who's the Smartest?

This is our difficult trivia hourly game. Give it a go! - View Game Details
trivia timedThis harder hourly game ends in 22 minutes.
trivia game players 21 player(s) have played this hour in Div 1
67 players over all divisions.

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Top Scores: Division 1
( See scores from last game )

PlayerRankTeam CorrectTimeAwardScore
1. trivia player Alexg1949 74 Retired And Loving It 1084s +233 (*) 832
2. lidna 106 The Calculators 1085s +183 (*) 830
3. VAMac 80 Old Farts 981s +149 (*) 738
4. teatimebob 107 Wise & Winsome Night Owls 987s +123 (*) 726
5. trivia player herma1504 141 Romania Team 987s +123 (*) 726
6. trivia player WaggaWagga2010 96 The Beeronians 988s +102 (*) 724
7. trivia player underscored 114 New Horizons 999s +100 (*) 702
8. trivia player malyce 140 XYPers 850s +100 (*) 700
9. skatersarehott 159 Midwest USA Players 856s +99 (*) 688
10. trivia player redwaldo 229 Kilted Kangas 857s +99 (*) 686
11. arbiess 70 The Dog People 10164s +67 672
12. tarlaccity 120 --- 866s +67 668
13. FREEDOM49 106 Age Is Only a Number 896s +61 608
14. trivia player GingerHeadMan6 52 --- 8110s +58 580
15. trivia player colbymanram 189 The Meek Shall Inherit 774s +55 552
16. trivia player Mountainfree 102 Writer's Block 775s +55 550
17. trivia player carolmitch 195 CLIQUE-KICKERS 8137s +53 526
18. forus919 53 --- 794s +51 512
19. trivia player elfinga 75 XYPers 7111s +48 478
20. trivia player jonathanw55 191 No Team here... 7141s +42 418
21. JuneEva 57 Retired And Loving It 6106s +39 388

* Ties go to player playing first. [ Key: gold member = Gold Member. editor = Editor. ]

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